Eglise Saint-Pierre
Religious heritage, Listed or registered (CNMHS)
in Brion
The church of Brion is dedicated to St. Peter, but in a special way: it is about "St. Peter in bonds", i.e. in his captivity, according to the book of "Acts of the Apostles". The preaching of Peter and the Apostles, announcing the risen Jesus, completely challenged the Jewish leaders who had condemned Jesus to death. That is why they arrested Peter and John (Acts chapter 4) and forbade them to continue speaking about Jesus. They said, "Whom is it better to obey? To God or to you? And they...
The church of Brion is dedicated to St. Peter, but in a special way: it is about "St. Peter in bonds", i.e. in his captivity, according to the book of "Acts of the Apostles". The preaching of Peter and the Apostles, announcing the risen Jesus, completely challenged the Jewish leaders who had condemned Jesus to death. That is why they arrested Peter and John (Acts chapter 4) and forbade them to continue speaking about Jesus. They said, "Whom is it better to obey? To God or to you? And they went on and on. They were arrested again (Acts chapter 5), threatened and beaten with rods. It was a lost cause. King Herod then had James executed and Peter arrested (Acts 12). But during the night an angel freed him and Peter joined the community in prayer.
A statue in the church (5.1) shows Peter with his hands chained, and a painting (6.1) shows Peter's release by the angel. In this church you will find the statue of St Joan of Arc, Anthony of Padua and St Teresa of the Child Jesus.