Lecture-spectacle "Prom'nons-nous dans la rue" par le groupe Ecouter-Lire
Art and shows, Poetry, Street theatre, Theatre
in Autun
The 'Écouter lire' group invites you to take a varied and amusing stroll through the streets of our towns, guided by a number of novelists and poets.
A walk in the streets is not the same as a walk in the woods. The Écouter lire group chose the city and its streets as the setting for its reading-show.
At night, we go out alone, but it's mainly to meet other people that we go out. At the market, at the ball, at the demonstration. The streets are a permanent theatre, with their characters, their cries, their humour. Not forgetting the sad corners. Some forty texts by novelists and poets bring the street to life.
- On March 29, 2025 at 3:00 PM