Marché de l’été des Festivinales®
Lifestyle, Exhibition, Commercial event, Music, Market
in Beaune
The CFDB is organising its first summer market on Sunday 1 June 2025 from 10am to 7pm on the Place de la Halle in Beaune.
Festivinales® summer market in Beaune
To promote the artisans and shopkeepers of the Côte d'Or, Burgundy and beyond, the Comité des Fêtes et du développement de Beaune (CFDB) is organising its first summer market on Sunday 1 June 2025 from 10am to 7pm on the Place de la Halle in Beaune.
You'll find quality exhibitors with incredible expertise and boundless creativity. Your eyes and taste buds will be delighted by the products on offer, including clay and wood sculptures, textile, leather...Festivinales® summer market in Beaune
To promote the artisans and shopkeepers of the Côte d'Or, Burgundy and beyond, the Comité des Fêtes et du développement de Beaune (CFDB) is organising its first summer market on Sunday 1 June 2025 from 10am to 7pm on the Place de la Halle in Beaune.
You'll find quality exhibitors with incredible expertise and boundless creativity. Your eyes and taste buds will be delighted by the products on offer, including clay and wood sculptures, textile, leather and recycled material creations, wooden and stone objects, leather goods, small-scale restorations and much, much more...
A festive musical atmosphere will punctuate the day.
Members of the CFDB will be delighted to welcome you to their stand, where you can buy Les Festivinales® glasses in aid of the association, to help fund the events.
Live Beaune with you!
Spoken languages
- On June 1, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM