Savons et Potions Bourguignons COSMETICS We offer natural cosmetic products that are more respectful of our skin and the environment. Mesvres
Les Etablissements Marchand, sabotiers et boisseliers CLOG MAKER The Marchand family have been cloggers and woodworkers from father to son for three generations, and have a wide range of wood-related activities. Gouloux
Boutique Artisanat du Monastère du Val St-Benoît TABLEWARE Monastère du Val St-Benoît craft shop. Épinac
Galerie d'art Elaine M Goodwin ARTIST /PAINTER This art gallery exhibits the work of the world-renowned English contemporary mosaic artist, Elaine M Goodwin. The gallery is located in the small vil... Couches
Isabel Marin - Maison Marin ARTIST /PAINTER Creative artist, artist designer, artist stylist, artist always, between paintings and handbags, the heart remains art. Lucenay-l'Évêque
A Chaque Passant son Histoire ARTIST /PAINTER Workshop - art gallery. Two contemporary artists exhibit paintings, sculptures and drawings. Cussy-en-Morvan
Odina du Morvan JEWELLERY Creation of personalized jewelry from natural minerals. I am a lithotherapy consultant and I will help you to choose the right stones for your ailmen... Saint-Prix